- Bitpay fx Trade - Your future investment partner Choosing a reliable company for making financial investments requires intelligent thinking. We are an experienced investment company that offers diverse business options to customers. We trade in monetary, financial and crypto currency in various large scaled markets including Forex.
- Tradebit: bandwidth / traffic to anybody, who wants to sell downloads and files online (with PayPal, Google Checkout or clickbank). The place to sell your digital goods: MP3, Photo, Shareware.
Global is an organization who is operating throughout the world and successfully providing services to Global Bitpay Tread is currently working on 155 projects in various countries. Till now we have worked on projects in more than 136 countries. We have a worldwide reach and under our watch, many payment management projects are going on. Global Bitpay Trade does business in Cryptocurrency, Gold, Diamond and on other share markets. Global BITpay Trade is is a system which conducts an economic transaction, communication, and development. We are providing services on 12 types of cryptocurrencies. Our customers can buy cryptocurrencies and transfer it anywhere by using our system. Our network is present in more than 136 countries so you will not face any problem in treading, transferring from anywhere. Our company has built a system which will help you make the best choices for your gains. As we are working in this sector for many years you will get a reliable partner for your economic development.
- When you purchase the dollar for currency, tax sholud be applicable.
- When you redeem MIS Coin for the Auto Trading of MIS Scheme,coin to BTC exchange charge will be 4%, BTC to Dollar exchange charge will be 5% and finally Dollar to any other exchange charge will be 18%.
- When you purchase the coin, there will be a processing fees and the same process applicable, when you withdraw the redeem amount.
- Transfer wallet from id to id should be 10% chargeable.
- Redeem period might be fluctuate as per the company policy.
- Nobody can't withdrawl the last week commionsion, if they don't give the sponsor business on last week.
- Dollar value depends on Market.
- A top up will be completed with 50% of main wallet and 50% of cash wallet.
- There will be no charge applicable when you top up the main wallet.
- 3%trading charge will be applicable for auto trading.
- If a person transfer the redemption coin to the other crypto exchange then 18% transaction charge will be applicable for normal (flat) account.
- If a person transfer the redemption coin to the GLOBE-X then 10% transaction will be applicable for normal (flat) account.
Terms & Cnditions :
For Asia's Contact
Email ID=globalbitpaytrade@gmail.com
Trade Bitconnect
BitPay is the largest bitcoin payment processor in the world. Coinbase determines the fee based on your trade amount and the payment method. The added fee will be shown on the screen during checkout. That being said, transactions under $200 have a flat fee regardless of how you pay for the service. Bitpay Trade Calculator First, you need to know that it is impossible to start successful crypto trading with zero experience. Cryptocurrency trading is one of the main sources of getting profit from cryptocurrency. This type of online trading is almost the same as stocks, currencies, or commodities trading. 24Bitpay-trade offers payouts of up to 200% on your initial investment, quickly and securely.