- Taisen Deshimaru Quotes
- Taisen Deshimaru Quotes
- Taisen Deshimaru Libros Pdf
- Taisen Deshimaru
- Taisen Deshimaru Martial Arts
Biography: Born in the Saga Prefecture of Kyushu in 1914 of an old Samurai family, Taisen Deshimaru was raised by his grandfather, who was a Samurai Master before the Meiji Revolution, and by his mother, a devout follower of the Buddhist Shinshu sect.
Works: | 282 works in 660 publications in 11 languages and 2,519 library holdings |
Genres: | |
Roles: | Author, Editor, Compiler, Translator, Annotator, Commentator, Other, Illustrator, Instrumentalist, Singer, adn, wac, Interviewee, Creator, Bibliographic antecedent |
Classifications: | GV1112, 294.3927 |
- Born in Japan in 1914, Mokudo Taisen Deshimaru grows up close to his mother and grandfather, a former samurai.In his youth, he meets Kodo Sawaki, a great master of Soto Zen, and follows his teachings. He was ordained monk by the latter, who asks him to travel to Europe and spread the practice of Zen. He comes to Paris in 1967.
- Taisen Deshimaru (弟子丸 泰仙, November 29, 1914 - April 30, 1982) was a Japanese Soto Zen teacher who brought Zen to Europe for future civilizations and who founded the Association Zen Internationale.
- Taisen Deshimaru (1914-1982) grew up on the island of Kyushu in Japan. He was a disciple of Kodo Sawaki, who was one of the most influential Zen masters of the 20th century in Japan: He insisted on the importance of the practice of zazen and made the practice accessible to lay people.
- Le rire du tigre : voyages avec un maître Zen by Marc de Smedt( Book )
- Autobiographie d'un moine zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
- Zensō hitori Yōroppa o yuku by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
- Sensei : Taisen Deshimaru, maître zen by Dominique Blain( Book )
- La lumière du satori : commentaires du Komyo zo zanmai, suivant l'enseignement de Maître Taisen Deshimaru by Evelyn de Smedt( Book )
- Muichibutsu kara no chōsen : Pari zensō hanseiki (Seishun hen) by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
- Les regles du dojo de Taisen Deshimaru by Michel Bovay( Book )
- Autobiografia di un monaco Zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
The Zen way to the martial arts by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
28 editions published between 1977 and 2012 in 6 languages and held by 327 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Verhandeling over de Japanse vechtkunst in relatie tot het zenboeddhisme
28 editions published between 1977 and 2012 in 6 languages and held by 327 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Verhandeling over de Japanse vechtkunst in relatie tot het zenboeddhisme
Questions to a Zen master by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
13 editions published between 1981 and 2008 in 3 languages and held by 278 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Réponses du maître japonais aux interrogations de ceux qui pratiquent le zen : introduction à la pratique et à la philosophie du zen et appel à vivre réellement la totalité de son être
13 editions published between 1981 and 2008 in 3 languages and held by 278 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Réponses du maître japonais aux interrogations de ceux qui pratiquent le zen : introduction à la pratique et à la philosophie du zen et appel à vivre réellement la totalité de son être
Mushotoku mind : the heart of the Heart sutra : commentary on the Hannya shingyo by Taisen Deshimaru( )
2 editions published in 2012 in English and held by 171 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
2 editions published in 2012 in English and held by 171 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
The voice of the valley : Zen teachings by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
6 editions published between 1979 and 1985 in Spanish and English and held by 162 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
6 editions published between 1979 and 1985 in Spanish and English and held by 162 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
The ring of the way : testament of a Zen master by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
3 editions published between 1987 and 1988 in English and held by 114 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
3 editions published between 1987 and 1988 in English and held by 114 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Le Bol et le bâton : cent vingt contes zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
10 editions published between 1986 and 2009 in French and held by 46 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Un très beau livre où il n'est pas nécessaire de se mettre en position zazen pour éprouver le calme. Chaque petit conte par la simplicité de l'idée, sans prétendre à la leçon, nous ouvre une fenètre vers une autre façon de pensée. Rapportés par Maître Taisen Deshimaru, ce dernier place parfois un petit commentaire toujours plein d'humour qui ouvre à la compréhension des contes. En gros, du zen qui fait du bien. A lire et à relire
10 editions published between 1986 and 2009 in French and held by 46 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Un très beau livre où il n'est pas nécessaire de se mettre en position zazen pour éprouver le calme. Chaque petit conte par la simplicité de l'idée, sans prétendre à la leçon, nous ouvre une fenètre vers une autre façon de pensée. Rapportés par Maître Taisen Deshimaru, ce dernier place parfois un petit commentaire toujours plein d'humour qui ouvre à la compréhension des contes. En gros, du zen qui fait du bien. A lire et à relire
Le Trésor du zen : textes (XIIIe siècle) by Dōgen( Book )
16 editions published between 1960 and 2010 in French and held by 41 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
16 editions published between 1960 and 2010 in French and held by 41 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
La Pratique du zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
12 editions published between 1975 and 2018 in 3 languages and held by 38 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Nouvelle édition d'un ouvrage d'enseignement pratique du za-zen par un maître oriental établi en Occident. Comprend aussi deux textes sacrés du zen: le ##Hokyo Zan Mai## et le ##San Do Kai##. Un ouvrage de caractère plutôt anecdotique et axé sur le concret. [SDM]
12 editions published between 1975 and 2018 in 3 languages and held by 38 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Nouvelle édition d'un ouvrage d'enseignement pratique du za-zen par un maître oriental établi en Occident. Comprend aussi deux textes sacrés du zen: le ##Hokyo Zan Mai## et le ##San Do Kai##. Un ouvrage de caractère plutôt anecdotique et axé sur le concret. [SDM]
Autobiographie d'un moine zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
9 editions published between 1977 and 2010 in 4 languages and held by 38 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
9 editions published between 1977 and 2010 in 4 languages and held by 38 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Hannya Shingyô : das Sûtra der Höchsten Weisheit by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
7 editions published between 1988 and 2002 in German and held by 29 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Inhalt: Das Hannya Shingyô oder Mahâ Prajñâ Pâramitâ Sûtra ist das zentrale Sûtra des Zen und auch aller anderen Schulen des Buddhismus. Dieser Text vermittelt das tiefere Wissen um Kû und Shiki, der Lehre von der ambivalenten Realität zwischen Leerheit und sichtbarer Form, einer der ganz wesentlichen Grundlagen östlicher Weisheit. Zen-Meister Taisen Deshimaru macht mit den ausführlichen Kommentaren seines Hauptwerks über das Sûtra der Höchsten Weisheit dieses Wissen dem westlichen Leser erstmals vollständig zugänglich - in einem Band, der den Originaltext, seine Übersetzung, Kommentare und zahlreiche vollendete Kalligrafien des chinesischen Urtextes von höchstem künstlerischen Wert harmonisch miteinander vereint. Das Hannya Shingyô - Bestandteil jeder Zazen-Übung - ist der Kern jeglicher Beschäftigung mit Zen
7 editions published between 1988 and 2002 in German and held by 29 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Inhalt: Das Hannya Shingyô oder Mahâ Prajñâ Pâramitâ Sûtra ist das zentrale Sûtra des Zen und auch aller anderen Schulen des Buddhismus. Dieser Text vermittelt das tiefere Wissen um Kû und Shiki, der Lehre von der ambivalenten Realität zwischen Leerheit und sichtbarer Form, einer der ganz wesentlichen Grundlagen östlicher Weisheit. Zen-Meister Taisen Deshimaru macht mit den ausführlichen Kommentaren seines Hauptwerks über das Sûtra der Höchsten Weisheit dieses Wissen dem westlichen Leser erstmals vollständig zugänglich - in einem Band, der den Originaltext, seine Übersetzung, Kommentare und zahlreiche vollendete Kalligrafien des chinesischen Urtextes von höchstem künstlerischen Wert harmonisch miteinander vereint. Das Hannya Shingyô - Bestandteil jeder Zazen-Übung - ist der Kern jeglicher Beschäftigung mit Zen
La tazza e il bastone : storie zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
11 editions published between 1991 and 2003 in Italian and held by 28 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
11 editions published between 1991 and 2003 in Italian and held by 28 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Zen in den Kampfkünsten Japans by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
11 editions published between 1978 and 2008 in German and Undetermined and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Die Kampfkünste der Samurai, wie Judo, Kendo, Karate, Aikido und Bogenschießen, sind, weit über die sportliche Ebene hinaus, untrennbar mit der Lehre des ZEN verbunden
11 editions published between 1978 and 2008 in German and Undetermined and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Die Kampfkünste der Samurai, wie Judo, Kendo, Karate, Aikido und Bogenschießen, sind, weit über die sportliche Ebene hinaus, untrennbar mit der Lehre des ZEN verbunden
Za-zen die Praxis des Zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
10 editions published between 1974 and 2003 in German and Undetermined and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Dieses Buch enthält Niederschriften der authentischen Lehre eines großen Zen-Meisters unserer Zeit. Rôshi Taisen Deshimaru kam 1967 nach Europa, um hier die reine Zen-Lehre zu verbreiten. Bis zu seinem Tod lehrte er unablässig das Geheimnis des Zen: shikantaza, die Praxis des selbstlosen Sitzens in der Haltung der Erweckung (Zazen). Die Zen-Lehre wurzelt tief im Alltag, sie zielt auf eine tiefgreifende Umwandlung des Individuums zur wahren Selbstverwirklichung hin und ist darin von einzigartiger Wirksamkeit. Viele Abbildungen und Texte alter Meister runden dieses Werk zu einem Kompendium ab, das längst als die Einführung in Zen schlechthin gilt
10 editions published between 1974 and 2003 in German and Undetermined and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Dieses Buch enthält Niederschriften der authentischen Lehre eines großen Zen-Meisters unserer Zeit. Rôshi Taisen Deshimaru kam 1967 nach Europa, um hier die reine Zen-Lehre zu verbreiten. Bis zu seinem Tod lehrte er unablässig das Geheimnis des Zen: shikantaza, die Praxis des selbstlosen Sitzens in der Haltung der Erweckung (Zazen). Die Zen-Lehre wurzelt tief im Alltag, sie zielt auf eine tiefgreifende Umwandlung des Individuums zur wahren Selbstverwirklichung hin und ist darin von einzigartiger Wirksamkeit. Viele Abbildungen und Texte alter Meister runden dieses Werk zu einem Kompendium ab, das längst als die Einführung in Zen schlechthin gilt
Zen et cerveau by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
10 editions published between 1976 and 2005 in 3 languages and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
10 editions published between 1976 and 2005 in 3 languages and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Yongjia zheng dao ge by Xuanjue( Book )
8 editions published between 1978 and 1992 in French and German and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
##Shodoka## ou ##Le chant de l'immédiat Satori## est considéré comme l'un quatre textes sacrés essentiels du Zen. C'est une sorte de chant poétique écrit au 8e siècle de notre ère par un jeune moine chinois du nom de Yoka Daïshi. La présente traduction de ce texte sacré suit la division admise en 78 poèmes. Le grand spécialiste du Zen, Maître Deshimaru, accompagne sa traduction de chaque poème d'un commentaire d'une page environ. Plusieurs calligraphies et peintures à l'encre de Chine jalonnent le texte
8 editions published between 1978 and 1992 in French and German and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
##Shodoka## ou ##Le chant de l'immédiat Satori## est considéré comme l'un quatre textes sacrés essentiels du Zen. C'est une sorte de chant poétique écrit au 8e siècle de notre ère par un jeune moine chinois du nom de Yoka Daïshi. La présente traduction de ce texte sacré suit la division admise en 78 poèmes. Le grand spécialiste du Zen, Maître Deshimaru, accompagne sa traduction de chaque poème d'un commentaire d'une page environ. Plusieurs calligraphies et peintures à l'encre de Chine jalonnent le texte
Zen et self-control by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
7 editions published between 1985 and 1991 in French and Undetermined and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Bonne vulgarisation sur ce double sujet
7 editions published between 1985 and 1991 in French and Undetermined and held by 27 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Bonne vulgarisation sur ce double sujet
Zen et vie quotidienne : la pratique de la concentration by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
4 editions published between 1978 and 1985 in French and held by 26 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Reprise en poche de l'édition parue chez Retz en 1978
4 editions published between 1978 and 1985 in French and held by 26 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Reprise en poche de l'édition parue chez Retz en 1978
La práctica del Zen y cuatro textos canónicos Zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
16 editions published between 1979 and 2008 in Spanish and Catalan and held by 25 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
16 editions published between 1979 and 2008 in Spanish and Catalan and held by 25 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Za-Zen : la pratique du Zen by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
3 editions published in 1974 in French and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
3 editions published in 1974 in French and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Zen & karma : teachings by Roshi Taisen Deshimaru by Taisen Deshimaru( Book )
2 editions published in 2016 in English and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Taisen Deshimaru (1914-1982) was a Japanese Zen Master, and the individual largely responsible for bringing Soto Zen to Europe. A legendary figure, widely acknowledged throughout the Zen world, he stands in the ranks of the great Zen teachers of modern times, including, Suzuki Roshi, Maezumi Roshi, and others. This second edition of his book The Voice of the Valley, first issued in 1979, contains the pure Deshimaru vintage-teaching. Uniquely, it is one of the few Zen books treating the subject of karma, a principle deeply entrenched in Hindu and some Buddhist traditions, but rarely taught within Zen. Karma generally refers to the principle of cause and effect, acknowledging that each individual will 'reap what they sow,' whether in this lifetime or some future life. Deshimaru, however, explains that this doctrine really has nothing to do with a simple good or bad balance-chart for the individual person, but rather concerns the activity of humanity as a whole. He highlights the necessity for clearly seeing one's own thinking, which is creating the hell that we and others endure?an immediate karmic payback. With zazen, a practitioner becomes not only acquainted with the contents of mind, but able to refocus it, allowing the body to 'think' in ways that are beneficial to oneself and others. As he compares this doctrine of karma within Mahayana Buddhism with Western philosophy, he points to the need for wise and ethical action in all aspects of life. His dedication, like that of great masters in all traditions, is with the relief of suffering and the clarity needed to pierce to the cause of suffering. Serious sitting practice, in the way he presents it, creates that access. The book is a live record of the Master's teaching content (kusens) and his style of presentation during a practice sesshin (retreat) of several days. Deshimaru spoke in English, and his words were recorded and compiled from notes taken by the editor (Coupey) and other students. His subjects are as timely today as they were in the late '70s. At a time when contemporary Zen practice has been co-opted by the culture of 'new and now,' his teachings do not compromise. This is no self-oriented 'wellness Zen' cultivated for feeling more relaxed. This is the real deal, a call to a stark, 'no-gain' approach to clear perception of reality from one who studied and practiced this tradition fully aligned to its source. As such, this book is a precious vehicle of direct transmission
2 editions published in 2016 in English and held by 24 WorldCat member libraries worldwide
Taisen Deshimaru (1914-1982) was a Japanese Zen Master, and the individual largely responsible for bringing Soto Zen to Europe. A legendary figure, widely acknowledged throughout the Zen world, he stands in the ranks of the great Zen teachers of modern times, including, Suzuki Roshi, Maezumi Roshi, and others. This second edition of his book The Voice of the Valley, first issued in 1979, contains the pure Deshimaru vintage-teaching. Uniquely, it is one of the few Zen books treating the subject of karma, a principle deeply entrenched in Hindu and some Buddhist traditions, but rarely taught within Zen. Karma generally refers to the principle of cause and effect, acknowledging that each individual will 'reap what they sow,' whether in this lifetime or some future life. Deshimaru, however, explains that this doctrine really has nothing to do with a simple good or bad balance-chart for the individual person, but rather concerns the activity of humanity as a whole. He highlights the necessity for clearly seeing one's own thinking, which is creating the hell that we and others endure?an immediate karmic payback. With zazen, a practitioner becomes not only acquainted with the contents of mind, but able to refocus it, allowing the body to 'think' in ways that are beneficial to oneself and others. As he compares this doctrine of karma within Mahayana Buddhism with Western philosophy, he points to the need for wise and ethical action in all aspects of life. His dedication, like that of great masters in all traditions, is with the relief of suffering and the clarity needed to pierce to the cause of suffering. Serious sitting practice, in the way he presents it, creates that access. The book is a live record of the Master's teaching content (kusens) and his style of presentation during a practice sesshin (retreat) of several days. Deshimaru spoke in English, and his words were recorded and compiled from notes taken by the editor (Coupey) and other students. His subjects are as timely today as they were in the late '70s. At a time when contemporary Zen practice has been co-opted by the culture of 'new and now,' his teachings do not compromise. This is no self-oriented 'wellness Zen' cultivated for feeling more relaxed. This is the real deal, a call to a stark, 'no-gain' approach to clear perception of reality from one who studied and practiced this tradition fully aligned to its source. As such, this book is a precious vehicle of direct transmission
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Kids | General | Special |
- Coupey, Philippe AuthorSecretaryRedactorEditorCollector
- Smedt, Evelyn de Author of introductionDirectorContributorEditorAuthor
- Collins, Richard 1952- Editor
- Dussaussoy, Dominique TranslatorEditor
- Dōgen 1200-1253 Bibliographic antecedentAuthorCreator
- Daishi, Yoka Bibliographic antecedentAuthor
- Bardet, Vincent OtherAuthor of introductionContributorTranslatorEditor
- Smedt, Marc de 1946- Author of introductionEditorContributorDirector
- Liebmann, Alain Editor
Useful Links
Alternative Names
Taisen Deshimaru Quotes
Deshimaru-Rôshi, Taisen 1914-1982
Deshimaru, Taisen
Deshimaru, Yasuo.
Dešimaru, Taisen 1914-1982
Rōshi, Taisen Deshimaru- 1914-1982
Taisen Deshimaru 1914-1982
Taisen Deshimaru japanischer Zen-Meister
Taisen Deshimaru maître bouddhiste zen japonais
Taisen Deshimaru, Rôshi
Taisen Senseï 1914-1982
Thaisēn Dēchimāru
Дэсимару, Тайсэн
Тайсен Дешимару
Taisen Deshimaru Quotes
デシマル, タイセン
Taisen Deshimaru Libros Pdf
Taisen Deshimaru
Taisen Deshimaru Martial Arts
French (81)
German (31)
English (29)
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German (31)
English (29)
Spanish (25)
Italian (16)
Catalan (5)
Japanese (4)
Dutch (3)
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Persian (1)
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