Markdown Vuejs

# Header Anchors

  1. Markdown Vue Theme
  2. Vuejs Markdown Component
  3. Vuejs Markdown Editor Wysiwyg
Markdown Vuejs

Headers automatically get anchor links applied. Rendering of anchors can be configured using the markdown.anchor option.

The output HTML is accomplished by markdown-it, while the parsed headers are done by VuePress, and used for the sidebar and the document title. # Using Pre-processors VuePress has built-in webpack config for the following pre-processors: sass, scss, less, stylus and pug. In this case, I know that what I need is a webpack loader that can interpret markdown. Much like how.vue files comes out fine after passing through webpack because of vue-loader. Vue-Markdown-Loader Literally the first thing I did after that realization was to google 'vue markdown loader'.

# Links

# Internal Links

Inbound links ending in .md or .html are converted to <router-link> for SPA navigation.

Each sub-directory in your static site should contain a It will automatically be converted to index.html.


When writing the relative path to a directory's index.html, don't forget to close it off with a /, otherwise you will get a 404. For example, use /config/ instead of /config.

If you want to link to another markdown file within a directory, remember to:

  1. Append it with either .html or .md
  2. Make sure the case matches since the path is case-sensitive
Markdown Vuejs

# Example

Given the following directory structure:

# External Links

Outbound links automatically get target='_blank':

You can customize the attributes added to external links by setting config.markdown.externalLinks.

# Front Matter

YAML front matter is supported out of the box when placed at the very beginning of your markdown file:

The data will be available to the rest of the page, plus all custom and theming components as $page.

title and lang will be automatically set on the current page. In addition you can specify extra meta tags to be injected:

# Alternative Front Matter Formats

In addition, VuePress also supports JSON or TOML front matter.

JSON front matter needs to start and end in curly braces:

TOML front matter needs to be explicitly marked as TOML:


# GitHub-Style Tables



col 3 isright-aligned$1600
col 2 iscentered$12
zebra stripesare neat$1

# Emoji 🎉



🎉 💯

A list of all emojis available can be found here.

# Table of Contents



  • Links
  • Front Matter

Rendering of TOC can be configured using the markdown.toc option.

# Custom Containers




This is a tip


This is a dangerous warning

You can also customize the title of the block:


Danger zone, do not proceed

# Line Highlighting in Code Blocks



# Line Numbers


You can enable line numbers for each code blocks via config:

  • Demo:

# Import Code Snippets beta0.10.1+

You can import code snippets from existing files via following syntax:

It also supports line highlighting:



Markdown vue theme


Since the import of the code snippets will be executed before webpack compilation, you can't use the path alias in webpack. The default value of @ is process.cwd().

# Advanced Configuration

VuePress uses markdown-it as the markdown renderer. A lot of the extensions above are implemented via custom plugins. You can further customize the markdown-it instance using the markdown option in .vuepress/config.js:

Markdown Vue Theme

Originally used simplemde-markdown-editor as the markdown editor, but this library has not been updated and maintained for a long time, and there is also the risk of xss. So after the v3.9.3+ version, use tui.editor as the new editor. All the next documents are Based on tui.editor it. More Content.

# Props

valueString' 'This prop can change content of the editor. If you using v-model, don't use it.
optionsObjectfollowing defaultOptionsOptions of tui.editor. This is for initailize tui.editor.
heightString'300px'This prop can control the height of the editor.
modeString'markdown'This prop can change mode of the editor. (markdownor wysiwyg)

# Methods

Vuejs Markdown Component

  • setValue
  • getValue
  • setHtml
  • getHtml

# Example

Vuejs Markdown Editor Wysiwyg

# Online Example