Adobe Audition Mixer

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Adobe Photoshop Mixer

Adobe Audition MixerAdobe Audition MixerAdobe

Adobe Audition Mixer

So I have a podcast and we recently upgraded to an audio interface. focusrite 18i8. Previously our audio was merged into 1 channel with our Behringer mixer but now I have 5 channels. 3 mono mics and an input from 3.5mm from the computer for what I believe is a total of 5 channels.
Youtube's streaming server seems to only recognize 2 inputs, so the 3rd mix and the computer are totally silent on the broadcast.
I need a software or something that will let me record on individual input tracks (using adobe audition) and pipe it through something so that its combined into a single input for Google Hangouts (youtube).
Any suggestions. I'm broadcasting tomorrow and feeling desperate.

Adobe Audio Audition

Adobe Audition is subscription-based, so you pay a monthly or annual ongoing fee to use it. The monthly cost of Adobe Audition CC is $29.99 or £30.34, though an Annual Plan paid on a monthly basis drops to $19.99 or £19.97. The prepaid annual cost of Adobe Audition CC is $239.88 or £238.42. 🎙 Awesome Audio Gear Giveaway! 🎧 Win $$$ of audio equipment. Find out more about me and how we can work tog. Mac os sierra installer app. In this video, Cinema Sound Main Presenter Mark Edward Lewis continues with Adobe Audition How To videos and describes how to use the built in Audition plugi.